The Best Guide to Find Your Personal Training Niche

As a personal trainer, it's important to understand who needs help with your skillset the most. Having a target audience with specific pain points that come under your expertise helps you to distinguish your personal training business from the competition around.

Such a targeted audience is known as a niche.

Let's understand more about what a niche is

A niche is a small segment of your target audience with certain characteristics and pain points that you can serve better than anyone else and that can help you stand out from the tough competition in the market.

Here are a few benefits of having a niche for your personal training business:

Makes You an Expert

Having a defined niche for your personal training business means diving deep into one specific field. This makes you gain deep knowledge about that field and enables you to serve the people under that category better than anyone else which further makes people see you as an expert in that area and builds their trust easily.

Helps to Stand Out from the Competition

The more specific and smaller your target audience is, the easier it will be for you to differentiate yourself from other personal trainer and get more clients easily.

For example, as a personal trainer, if you're targeting working professionals who can only workout at home, you will easily be able to stand out since you'll face less competition for having such a niche.

Increases Credibility of Your Personal Training Business

When you have a defined niche for your personal training business, you get those clients who really need your services and are looking to stay as long term clients. Having long term clients keeps your business stable and creates a high brand value of your personal training business which leads to increasing the credibility of your business.

How to Define Your Niche as a Personal Trainer

Defining your niche as a personal trainer is a very simple process broken into 4 easy steps:

  1. Identify Your Own Interests
  2. Find the Audience Aligned with Your Interest
  3. Solve the Pain Points of the Target Audience
  4. Assess the Profitability

Identify Your Own Interests

The first step to define your niche is to think and understand yourself which group of people you will love working with. When you choose a niche that you love to work with, you will feel more motivated to take amazing sessions and at the same time grow your business even during difficult periods.

If you like to work more with male adults who want to lose weight than teenagers who want to gain muscle, then target your audience accordingly by identifying those male adults who want to lose weight and deal with their sedentary lifestyle in a more productive manner.

Find the Audience Aligned to Your Interest

After finding your own interest, find out the pain points your audience have and find out how you can solve those pain points and whether that is aligned with your interest or not.

You need to find the best combination that suits you well and also helps solve the pain points of your audience.

Solve the Pain Points of Your Target Audience

Once you have found the right audience and the pain points that come under your skillset. Try to find out solutions for those pain points in ways that are unique and can separate you from the competition.

Having a solution that solves your target audience's problems in the most effective and efficient way possible will be the biggest key of nailing your niche properly since people will want the solution that serves them the best and does not provide any discomfort.

Assess the Profitability

The final step of having a defined niche for your personal training business is to assess the profitability of the target audience you have chosen. You might have a high expertise in some niches but they may not offer a high profit to due a pre existing competition or a low number of people in that specific niche.

Make sure the niche you select is specific and narrow so you can dominate that market and stand out from all the other personal trainers. Research the competition and survey people in your area to find out the profitability of the niche you want to target.

Always start with a few options so you can eliminate them during the process instead of starting over again and again.

Best Personal Trainer Niches

To help you a bit more in selecting a niche for your personal training business, here are a few popular targeted personal training niches that you can refer:

Home Workouts for New Mothers

Women who have recently become mothers want to get back in shape but can face difficulty to spend time outside home. You can provide home workouts so they can some ease to work on their fitness and take care of their child without any stress.

You can either provide training sessions at home or online through live video call sessions.

Muscle Gain Training

Teenagers from the age 15-18 years try to find out good resources to gain muscle but at times end up falling for false advertisements and take bad decisions regarding their health and fitness. You can provide personal training to this target by providing weight training sessions and nutrition tips and insights

Weight Loss Training for Adult Males

Many fathers want to work on their fitness so they can guide their kids in their health and fitness, and also play with their kids so they enjoy their childhood. They also want to be the role model for their kids and want their kids to be the best version of themselves.

You can provide weight training and HIIT sessions to this target segment and help them achieve their goals. Provide them special healthy diet tips and also recommend home workout along with physical activities they can do during their work to avoid the damages of their daily sedentary lifestyle.

Physiotherapy for Recovering Athletes and Sportsmen

Sports and athletics can cause severe injuries, sometimes even life threatening or leading to disabilities. You can provide physiotherapy to such athletes and sportsmen to help them gain use of their muscles and keep up with their fitness.

You can dive deeper and select sportsmen who either have retired or want to continue with their career.

Yoga for the Elderly

Elder people are want to keep up with their physical fitness but due to their age they can't get along with heavy workout sessions. You can offer simple yoga sessions with movement that are easy to perform for the elderly and can help them to keep up with their fitness. You can also offer group sessions as a lot of elders prefer to do such activities in groups.


Make sure to do a deep research on each target segment and study the competition in the market. Also, don't think of providing the best solution that you have. You have to work on providing the solution that is unique but is also loved by your target audience.

Define your personal training niche and get to work on the next parts of your marketing plan. Here is our guide to creating a marketing plan for your personal training business.