The Only Content Marketing Guide You Need for Your Coaching Business

The content you create and provide to your coaching clients and audience represents various characteristics of your business. It helps to engage with your audience, educate them and promote your services all at the same time.

Thus, it's essential to understand the concept of content marketing and how to leverage it towards your coaching business' growth and success.

What is Content Marketing?

Content Marketing is the approach used for developing and distributing valuable, consistent, and suitable content. You can create content in the written form, videos, or podcasts and share it on diverse platforms available.

It is essential to provide content that attracts the attention of your target audience, increases brand awareness, connects with the clients, and generates leads.

Benefits of Content Marketing for Your Coaching Business

  • Educate your clients
    It helps in providing an insight into the prospectus of your services and products. This gives a detailed vision of your business to your clients and assures them about your business.
  • Boost conversions and leads
    When you offer standard content consistently and keep your client's preferences on top, you can generate leads and conversions and gain monetary profits.
  • Create a community of your brand and increase awareness
    Promoting your business by content marketing allows you to create an influence on your members and boosts your business presence amongst your target audience.
  • Develop a strong connection
    Appropriate content marketing will allow you to build healthy relationships with your target audience and cater to their interest to your business.

Steps to Create Your Coaching Content Marketing Strategy

To create standard content, you need to follow various steps to get through marketing your content to your coaching clients.

Find Your Niche

The first step towards creating your content marketing strategy is understand your skill set and expertise and choose your target audience on its basis.

Having a niche for your coaching business will help you in create the right content for the right people. You will have a specific direction which will help you create content more easily and attract more people through your amazing content.

Understand the pain points that you can solve with your expertise and how it is unique from those in the coaching industry.

Find out the people who have any of the pain points that you can solve exceptionally. Narrow them further down to the exact set of people who will benefit the most from your skills and coaching services.

For example:

If you are good at providing health coaching, especially to help people with weight loss, find out the most specific set of people instead of providing the same solution to everyone who want to lose weight. You can have young adult professionals who want to lose weight while carrying out the sedentary work life.

Set Your Goals

Once you decide your niche, set goals and objectives specific to your coaching business. After you set some goals, you can easily work around them to build a perfect content marketing strategy.

You can set SMART goals as it will keep you focused and test your limits to deliver the best outcomes. Having SMART goals include these 5 elements:

Be clear with the number of clients you want or your deadlines for creating your content.

It is essential to track your objectives and aims. Look at your potential ideas and keep a record of your growth and failures.

Work at a certain limit and do not try beyond your capabilities and potential. Don't do it over in one go.

Be practical in terms of your approach to overcome upcoming hurdles and obstacles.

Try to complete your work on the deadline. Maintain a constant schedule for timely workings.

Some goals that you should look for are:

  • Increase in leads and conversions.
  • Enhance customer engagement and retention value.
  • Boost revenue generation.
  • Form strong brand awareness
  • Develop associations with strategic partners.
  • Attract new clients to your business.

Make a Budget

Making a defined budget is crucial and entirely depends on the content you are creating and the platform you have selected to market your content.

You can determine your budget based on technology and the workforce you are using to produce your content.

It can include the following factors:

  • The software you are using to design your content. It can include writing applications, graphics, and visuals
  • The cost required to hire workers like content creators, editors, and designers.
  • Payment for buying ad space or Search engine marketing.
  • The amount you spend on accessing certain tools and resources for enhancing your content.

Keep a balance between your budget spent and sales response, so you follow an estimated budget to deliver the best content.

Select Your Content Formats and Explore Content Ideas

Content creation is a complex process if not done in a structured manner. It requires you to identify and choose right content format along with coming up with content ideas regularly.

The content you create can be in formats like written, visual, audio, or graphics. Creating content consistently can help you generate leads and build loyalty amongst your coaching clients.

Here are some of the popular content formats that you can try to get started:

A blog is an informational website or an online journal that represents information in reverse chronological order. In this, newly generated content appears prior and is updated regularly by the publishers with dynamic content.

You can create a corporate blog for your coaching business. To create a standard bog, you can refer to this guide on creating Best blog content possible.

It includes any content that possesses or features video. It comprises animated GIFs, vlogs, client testimonials, webinars, online workshops, or live videos. It provides a greater opportunity in promoting your coaching business to your clients.

You can look into this guide on 23 things to consider when creating video content, to make appealing and enticing video content.

This content creation medium comprises discussions and artistic sounds to captivate the listeners. The scripts for podcasts are conversational and riffing to persist with the user. It is an organic and authentic way to introduce your coaching business to the clients.

Here are 13 tips to create better content for your podcast, you can incorporate them in your podcast to deliver the best content.

Hosting workshops both online or remote can help you promote your coaching business on a more personal level to the clients.

Make your clients aware of your coaching business services through the content you provide on live streams. Marketing through workshops will build a community and inspire your clients to engage with your coaching business efficiently.

How to come up with coaching content ideas?

There are certain ways you can refer to for having innovative ideas for your content development. Diverse factors can inspire you and help you decide on the content you can produce.

Know your audience

It is essential to know your coaching client's preferences, try to understand what your target audience desires. Give priority to your audience and focus on their interests. You can either ask your clients directly for their opinions and then can incorporate necessary changes if required.

  • Ask for their feedback on your content.
  • Provide them a simple form or ask them to rate your information.
  • Conduct a survey or basic yes/no questions to get an idea about your content.

Follow the trend

The best way to find ideas for your content development is to track the latest trend. You can refer to social media platforms like Twitter or Instagram to get a notion of what is going on in your business field.

Get familiar with the content posted on such channels and the trend that is following amongst the audience. This way you can envision appealing content for your coaching business.

Keep a track of your competitors

Your rivals can help in your favour if you pay attention to what they are offering. Keep a check on what other coaches are providing to the clients. This way you can set apart your standards and get an idea of how to provide unique services to stand out amongst your competition.

To understand more about how to come up with content ideas and types of content for your coaching business, explore our detailed guide to find the best content ideas for coaches.

Schedule Your Content

After deciding on your content formats, formulating ideas and creating your desired content, the next step is to create a schedule for your content.

A content marketing schedule can have the following benefits:

  • It helps your team to stay disciplined
  • It allows you to track your activities easily and stay on the right path
  • It helps you and your team to have clarity of roles and responsibilities

Share and Distribute Your Content

Once you create your content, you need to look for mediums and strategies to connect with your audience through your enticing content.

Here are 5 strategies you can opt for marketing your content to your audience:

Go for Guest Blogging

Guest Blogging is the practice of generating content for other major websites in the market. This way you will deliver them engaging content and tap into their audience.

The major purpose of guest blogging is to attract clients through the content you provide to that website.

For example, Buffer is a social media marketing blog offering guest blogging to several customers. It also includes an open blog and transparency blog with networks all over the world. It is the growth hack can give your coaching business a story. This will help you in interesting new clients to your business.

Distribute Your Content Through Email Newsletters

It is one of the easiest and effective marketing methods that can help you engage with your audience and and convert your potential coaching clients.

Share your content by sending email newsletters to your coaching clients as well as your email list. You can create specific content only for your newsletters or you can edit and re-publish your content in the different manner for your newsletters.

This marketing activity will also increase the trust of your audience, enable them to learn more and turn them into permanent clients.

Take Advantage of Social Media

Social media acts as a more effective and important source for increasing brand awareness and attracting clients to cater to your interest.

Some types of social media channels you should use as a nutritionist:

This one is a no brainer. Facebook, with the highest number of users among the other social media channels, is one of the best platforms to share and distribute your content.
Create a group to engage with your target audience by sharing content that can help educate them about their health and nutrition and help get their pain points solved. While sharing such content, you can also promote your services. Remember to not make your group a platform for excessive self promotion.

Use Instagram to post engaging pictures and videos, share your content and promote yourself as a nutritionist. You can share stories that include surveys, questionnaires, polls to get familiar with your customer's choice. Go live to hold a Q&A session or simply interact with your followers to understand their pain points and provide them relevant advice and solution.

Twitter is a highly engaging social media platform. People use it to share and discuss all kind of things. It is short form channel that you can use to share various nutritional tips, insights and advice. You can also curate long form content by linking your tweets together.

Analyze Your Outcomes

The last step is to evaluate and measure your results to make sure that the strategies and marketing tactics you are applying to enhance your content are appropriate or not.

It is necessary to achieve desirable results based on your defined key performance indicators and SMART goals as they determine the success of your content marketing strategy.

To maintain a balance between your deliveries and outcomes, you can use some tools for better analytics and assessment. These tools will help you understand metrics like- overall reach, cost requires per engagement, shares distribution, total social value, etc.

Here are some of the tools you can use:

  • Buffer and Hootsuite
    It helps you measure social media posts and provides analytics and data of your posts.
  • Google Analytics
    It allows you to determine the traffic your content is receiving and the time your audience is spending on your website.
  • Buzzsumo
    It helps you in gauging how well your specific content will perform on the platform of your choice. It also determines which topics are popular.
  • SimilarWeb
    This tool allows you to look upon the content delivered by your competitors.

In Essence

By choosing the above mentioned content marketing strategies, you can improve the quality of your content and attract the clients to your coaching business. These methods will give you a detailed vision on how to enhance your content and uplift your coaching business.

Credits - Aayushi Vaish